Local history fair & heritage tours at Dreamland, Margate.
10.30am - 6pm
Kent boasts a rich, diverse and vibrant history, beautifully preserved and presented by the numerous local historical and heritage groups, who will be joining at Dreamland Margate for the Heritage Fair.
The local history day will provide an excellent opportunity for the public to engage with the heritage groups within Kent who will be hosting a stand at the event, and hopefully inspire visitors to learn more about our local history and potentially become new volunteers with local organisation.
Looping The Loop will be joining Dreamland Margate for Local Heritage Day as part of Heritage Open Days event. Come along and help create a stunning giant elephant puppet inspired by the legendary Showman Lord George Sanger. No booking required.
JOURNEY BACK IN TIME (10.30am - 6pm)
Travel back in time and celebrate the wonderful history and heritage within Kent at the Local History Day event which will feature the Back to The Future Car on display at Dreamland. Opportunities to have your photograph taken with the Only Official BTTF Car DeLorean Time Machine in Europe
THIS BEAN SPINS (2pm - 4pm)
Channel you inner Showman this Open Heritage Day! In honour of Margate's Greatest Showman, Lord George Sanger, and to celebrate Dreamland's magnificent circus history join in and see THIS BEAN SPINS performing hula hooping tricks.
Joining them at the event will be a host of Kent Heritage organisations including:
Heritage Open Days: Dreamland Heritage Trust
49-51, Marine Terrace, Margate