Have you seen or picked up a copy of our Visitors’ Map whilst on a visit to Margate, Broadstairs or Ramsgate?
Each year we produce our Visitors’ Map to showcase the amazing range of things to see and do in the area, to encourage visitors to explore more and hopefully stay longer or make a return visit.
To ensure that the map is as user friendly as possible, we would appreciate your feedback. In return you could be in with the chance of winning a £50 SHOPPING VOUCHER
Contact Us
Visitor Information Centre The Droit House Stone Pier Margate Kent CT9 1JD Te: 01843 577577 Email: visitorinformation@thanet.gov.uk www.visitthanetbusiness.co.uk
Visitor Information Centre The Droit House Stone Pier Margate Kent CT9 1JD Te: 01843 577577 Email: visitorinformation@thanet.gov.uk www.visitthanetbusiness.co.uk
Useful Links
Our Destinations
Official website of Visit Thanet, Thanet District Council.