Find out more about what Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate have to offer your group on their visit
View our 2025 Group Brochure here
Small but perfectly formed, the Isle of Thanet made up of the seaside resorts of Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate, situated on the north-eastern coast of Kent delivers great-value, quality attractions and facilities for the group travel trade, all easily reached from London and mainland Europe via road, rail and ferry services. We are located just 16 miles (26km) from Canterbury and 20 miles (32km) from Dover.
The area is rich in history and heritage with strong links to great names. Charles Dickens loved to holiday in Broadstairs and described it as ‘Our English watering place’ and Augustus Pugin, designer of the interiors of the Houses of Parliament, lived here in the house he designed ‘The Grange'. The internationally acclaimed Turner Contemporary in Margate is named after the famous artist JMW Turner, who frequently visited the town and described the skies here as ‘the loveliest in Europe’
Delve into our Hidden Gems of history at tunnels, caves and grottos. Marvel at artwork from local, regional and international artists. Relive childhood memories whilst making new ones, or learn a new skill - all waiting to be experienced and welcome you. Take a walk along our golden sandy award winning beaches and bays
This is just a ‘Snap Shot of Thanet’ of what is available for you to visit and add into your itinerary.
Planning to bring your group to our beaches and bays? To help plan your visit and keep safe please take a look at our useful information and read our Beach Byelaws
Sign up to receive our consumer newsletters or pop into the Visitor Information Centre for further information.
We can provide assistance with itinerary planning and destination literature. Free images for tour planners’, website and promotional material are available on request - 01843 577637 or

Visitor Information Centre The Droit House Stone Pier Margate Kent CT9 1JD Te: 01843 577577 Email: